First post
Ok, first post. Welcome to my blog. What I hope to accomplish here , is to express my views and opinions on a wide variety of issues. Issues such as Catholicism, the Vatican II council, the Norvus Ordo Mass, masonry and associated movements, democracy, monarchy, falangism, nationalism/patriotism, socialism, communism, free market economy, corporatism, distributionism, JPII the small, Benedict XVI, Sedevacantists, Society of Saint Pius X, the indult, Cardinal Mahoney, the scarlett mafia, Fatima, Facebook, myspace,girlfriend, friends, priesthood, monastic life, tv, video games, zionists, islam, judaism, ecumenicism, protestantism, mormons, the Confederacy, Archbishop Lefebvre,, cats, dogs, college, home, travels, hats, news, foxnews, cnn, liberal media, neo conservatism, traditional conservatism, 06 and 08 elections, cheese, music, new age, and anything else I didn't mention that has anything to do with those issues.
My first discussion, why the muslims hate us so much. When I say us, I mean the west in general. Modern day muslims view the west as a religious enemy. When I say religious enemy, I do not mean Catholic crusaders going down to the Holy land to own some saracens and take back what rightfully belongs to the the Catholics. No, the age of faith is nearly extinguished in the west. Christendom has disintigrated. There is no Christendom for the Islamic empire to fight anymore. What has replaced Christendom? Secularism. Communism, socialism, materialism, lassiez faire economics, masonry, new age. Etc etc. These are far worse enemies for islam than Catholicism ever was. Catholicism and Islam, at least shared a view that morals are absolute. Now , obviously there was disagreement over what these morals were, but they both beleive that these morals have been handed down to humanity from a divine source(well, so the muslims beleive. But that is a different topic all together). Liberals, commies, and their kind take morality to be relative to the situation, or to the time period. It doesn't matter if what they are doing was wrong yesterday , they say its right today so go on and do it. This is what Islamic radicals fear. They see what this secularism has done to faith in Europe, and they fear a similar siutation of apostasy happening to islam. They fear being controled by globalization. They just want to have their own nation, defend their people , and promote what they beleive to be the best lifestyle for their people. We try to impose the pathetically weak system , known as republic democracy, on them, but rather then vote for liberals who would destroy their way of life, they vote for radicals or at least "conservative" canadites. Perhaps america hasn't realized this, but not everyone wants to be in a democracy. Sure muslim civilization seems primitive, but what good is all our fancy technology if all we use it for is to sin or find more ways to sin. We are all guilty of this, ALL of us. Perhaps this is a just a rant, but the so called evil islamic society surely has held a better moral standard then our own. Just the other day I read Iran banned the da vinchi code because it offended Christians in that country. I suppose my point is, if the muslims want to follow the west down the toliet bowl of masonic revolution (AKA democracy) then let them decide on their own. The fact is, radical islam wouldn't exist if we weren't there nudging the muslims to become more like the atheist west.
My first discussion, why the muslims hate us so much. When I say us, I mean the west in general. Modern day muslims view the west as a religious enemy. When I say religious enemy, I do not mean Catholic crusaders going down to the Holy land to own some saracens and take back what rightfully belongs to the the Catholics. No, the age of faith is nearly extinguished in the west. Christendom has disintigrated. There is no Christendom for the Islamic empire to fight anymore. What has replaced Christendom? Secularism. Communism, socialism, materialism, lassiez faire economics, masonry, new age. Etc etc. These are far worse enemies for islam than Catholicism ever was. Catholicism and Islam, at least shared a view that morals are absolute. Now , obviously there was disagreement over what these morals were, but they both beleive that these morals have been handed down to humanity from a divine source(well, so the muslims beleive. But that is a different topic all together). Liberals, commies, and their kind take morality to be relative to the situation, or to the time period. It doesn't matter if what they are doing was wrong yesterday , they say its right today so go on and do it. This is what Islamic radicals fear. They see what this secularism has done to faith in Europe, and they fear a similar siutation of apostasy happening to islam. They fear being controled by globalization. They just want to have their own nation, defend their people , and promote what they beleive to be the best lifestyle for their people. We try to impose the pathetically weak system , known as republic democracy, on them, but rather then vote for liberals who would destroy their way of life, they vote for radicals or at least "conservative" canadites. Perhaps america hasn't realized this, but not everyone wants to be in a democracy. Sure muslim civilization seems primitive, but what good is all our fancy technology if all we use it for is to sin or find more ways to sin. We are all guilty of this, ALL of us. Perhaps this is a just a rant, but the so called evil islamic society surely has held a better moral standard then our own. Just the other day I read Iran banned the da vinchi code because it offended Christians in that country. I suppose my point is, if the muslims want to follow the west down the toliet bowl of masonic revolution (AKA democracy) then let them decide on their own. The fact is, radical islam wouldn't exist if we weren't there nudging the muslims to become more like the atheist west.
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